20 Best Computer keyboard shortcut keys


  1. Alt + F    File menu options in current program.
  2. Alt + E    Edit options in current program
  3. F1    Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
  4. Ctrl + A    Select all text.
  5. Ctrl + F    Open find window for current document or window.
  6. Ctrl + S    Save current document file.
  7. Ctrl + X    Cut selected item.
  8. Shift + Del    Cut selected item.
  9. Ctrl + C    Copy selected item.
  10. Ctrl + Ins    Copy selected item
  11. Ctrl + V    Paste
  12. Shift + Ins    Paste
  13. Ctrl + P    Print the current page or document.
  14. Home    Goes to beginning of current line.
  15. Ctrl + Home    Goes to beginning of document.
  16. End    Goes to end of current line.
  17. Ctrl + End    Goes to end of document.
  18. Shift + Home    Highlights from current position to beginning of line.
  19. Shift + End    Highlights from current position to end of line.
  20. Ctrl + Left arrow    Moves one word to the left at a time.
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